Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tiny Kitten Teeth

The visuals of this online comic are AMAZING. Not only are the bold, vibrant colors interesting to the eye, but the graphic illustrations are so creatively done. The ideas are quite simple, but the style's also elaborate for what it is. In my opinion, simplicity speaks more, than a busy graphic illustration would. Not to mention, if they gave everything away in one frame, there would be nothing to presume really..
The characters are very adorable and are quite witty. There isn't much specifically going on, content wise, throughout the comic, which was something I really enjoyed. It is still comical, speaking of more real life situations and random conversations, which is also relatable by most.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Walking Dead

The Comic The Walking Dead was AWESOME. It was funny, because my friend gave me the comics to read and I hadn't gotten around to it yet and then the TV series came out. Of course, I began to watch it and now I am so happy that I have gotten to read the comics of one of my current favorite shows. I really enjoy the style of the comics, because the show is so intense, mostly due to the creepy audio, therefore reading is an entirely different experience.
I still experienced the intense suspenseful moments while reading, as I do while watching the tv show. Of course, if you follow the comics, the show doesn't necessarily match up, but I feel the layout of the comic causes the viewers to anticipate the next frame and what's going to happen, and then it happens SO quickly, adding to the suspense. Whereas on tv, you get to visually see what you visualized while reading, and in detail, which for me, made the experience that much more enjoyable. I definitely felt that the story made for a good comic, due to the epicness of the zombie apocalypse, as well as the drama that happens between the group. Two thumbs up!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I absolutely loved the art style of this comic. I think it is very significant that she chose it for her autobiography. It gives a unique look on her life through her own eyes. Marjane Satrapi also wrote a second Persepolis, which I now want to read on my own time, perhaps over break. I think one of my favorite things about this comic was that she had her own beliefs apart from her parents and their protesting. It's nice seeing someone who isn't an adult yet have their own beliefs and strongly back them up. I also thought it was very sad and depressing when her grandmother explained to her that she used to pretend to cook so that their neighbors wouldn't question their wealth, basically. This actually happens to people, so I guess its just a harsh reality that pulls on the heart strings of the readers. Another relatable factor of this book is that she seems to go through many hardships either with her family or she has them to lean onto when in need. I can relate, as I am very close with my family and they have always been there for me when I need them the most. It is nice to hear others stories, especially through this type of visual graphic novel, because we can not only relate, but learn from these stories.